Secret Six #1

The first issue to kick off a new volume of Secret Six doesn't feel much like a Secret Six comic with the focus primarily being characters not used in any previous series. Set in the aftermath of Absolute Power, the first issue really focuses on, in descending levels of importance, Jon Kent, his boyfriend Gossamer, and Dreamer who arrives to inform the pair Amanda Waller has disappeared. Looking in to where Waller should be, things get Secret Six adjacent with the trio breaking Black Alice out of prison. It's not until the final panel, however, where the count adds up to six with the cameo appearances of Catman and Deadshot.

I won't lie, a Secret Six comic where Catman isn't a main focus irks me. (Also, is this the costume he's wearing now instead of his kick-ass 2010 look? On purpose?). That said, I'm willing to give this time for the pair of core members to be woven into the story and see where things lie. On the plus side, I do like the attempt to get closer to Deadsot's classic look (now keep going).

[DC, $3.99]

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