Reacher - Smoke on the Water

Things finally do go to shit for Reacher's (Alan Ritchson) undercover mission, although not as quickly as you might expect. The run-in with Xavier Quinn (Brian Tee) doesn't immediately blow his cover. Nor does Richard (Johnny Berchtold) blow Reacher's cover and discovering his kidnapping was staged and Reacher is working with the DEA. However, Quinn's men investigating those who have been looking into his business lead to attacks on Powell (Owen Roth) and Neagley (Maria Sten) whose connection to Reacher will blow his cover. Neagley fares better than Powell.

The second-half of the episode is heavy with action offering up the attack on Neagley in her office building, Reacher playing Rambo in the woods taking out the men Quinn sends after him, and, showcasing Quinn's disturbed nature, Richard being forced to play Russian Roulette at gunpoint. We get one more action sequence before the end of the episode aboard Harley's (Brendan Fletcher) boat, but it's too late to find Teresa (Storm Steenson) leading to yet another dead end with Reacher's cover blown, Quinn changing everything about the impending gun sale he needs to go smoothly to pay back the Russian mob, and no eyes into the organization. Or, as Reacher says, there may be one.

  • Title: Reacher - Smoke on the Water
  • IMDb: link

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