G.I. JOE #5

G.I. JOE #5 primarily focuses on the escape of Duke, the Baroness, Cover Girl, Risk, and Stalker from M.A.R.S. Industries where Duke receives a not-so-nice welcome from Destro before Clutch's theft of a H.I.S.S Tank begins their flight to freedom. We get plenty of action in the escape including Duke rallying the group to action with the franchise's most famous phrase.

The reshuffling of a few key characters in this new shared Energon Universe also allows for the first ever meeting between Destro and the Baroness, albeit on opposite sides. It also allows for the first ever meeting between Duke and Cobra Commander whose scientist Doctor Monev  has just finished Cobra's newest weapon, the Brainwave Bomb, capable of brainwashing those within a 5-mile radius into becoming loyal Cobra soldiers. I have an idea what Joshua Williamson may have in store for us in the final issue of this opening arc, but we'll just have to see whether Duke's foolhardiness to stick around bites him in the ass or not.

[Image/Skybound Entertainment, $4.99]

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