Zero Day - Episode 1
The opening episode of Netflix's Zero Day introduces us to former President George Mullen (Robert De Niro) who after a cyber attack is tapped by the current President (Angela Bassett) and given extraordinary powers to uncover those responsible. Presenting Mullen as the last politician who successfully bridged the two parties, the political thriller early on feels like a cautionary tale of the potential of abuse of power even in the best hands, with the problems of Hollywood not knowing how technology works and relying on "something bad happening involving computers" to be our boogeyman. Presenting Mullen as an unreliable protagonist in the first episode who is either being gaslight or is suffering from early-stage dementia (or possibly both) simply muddies the water before the show ever gets off the ground to very mixed results.
height="299" width="512"- Title: Zero Day - Episode 1
- IMDb: link