Jenny Sparks #7

The seven-issue mini-series comes to a close with a final war of words between Jenny Sparks and Captain Atom. Jenny Sparks #7 hits emotional beats in getting us to Jenny, unable to beat the Captain, finding a way to psychologically and emotionally play him instead allowing for a return to normalcy for this Black Label version of the DCU. 

The series doesn't end on the biggest note with more of a whimper than a bang, but the final issue is another solid entry into a mini-series that was quite a bit more talky than I was initially expecting. Ultimately, I would have preferred to see Jenny interacting with more of the world and not keeping the focus on just the Captain for seven issues (with slight teases of her relationships to DC's big three heroes - more of that please). That said, I'm not going to complain about getting strong Jenny Sparks tales a quarter of a century after her death, or finding a way to bring her back into the DCU (at least one version of the DCU) where it allows other writers to use her in the future.

[DC, $4.99]

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