Invincible - You Want a Real Costume, Right?

"You Want a Real Costume, Right?" gets off to a bit of an odd start extended sequence with no dialogue with two super-powered robbers without a real explanation. The segment isn't bad, it is just never explained (and neither baddie's ability seems to tie into this). However, the end to that story with Oliver (Christian Convery) inserting himself into Mark (Steven Yeun) super-heroing is the major focus of the episode as Oliver gets his first costume (and Mark gets a rebrand), heading into a situation where Oliver proves himself to be his father's son by brutally murdering the Maulers (Kevin Michael Richardson) to the utter horror of Mark and the GDA.

Other notable moments of the episode involve Eve (Gillian Jacobs) catching  up with Amber (Zazie Beetz) and attempting to come to an understanding with her parents, Mark stopping a jailbreak in which Oliver also pushes his way into while attempting to help, the former Guardians setting up office in the old Teen Team headquarters, and a cliffhanger ending showing us someone watching Mark (but not who he initially suspects). Everything with Oliver hits well here especially as they continue to foreshadow even bigger problems down the line.

  • Title: Invincible - You Want a Real Costume, Right?
  • wiki: link

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