Batgirl #4

The first half of Batgirl #4 deals with the fallout from the end of the last issue where Batgirl discovers just who her mother is working with. With an inclination to walk away, even if that means fighting her way out, Shiva attempts to convey the threat of the Unburied and why it is dire enough that the two of them need to work with current and former enemies such as Nyssa al Ghul and Angel Breaker who provide a bit more history of the Unburied and the war that was started with them by Ra’s al Ghul

We don't see Batgirl get a chance to change her mind as the Unburied attack the train and all hell breaks lose. The two fight sequences we get in the comic are Batgirl imaging how to take down her new "allies" and the attack of the Unburied who make off with Shiva and force Batgirl into a decision that likely wouldn't have been the one she would have made just minutes prior as now she's not asking herself what Batman would do in her current situation but what Lady Shiva would do.

[DC, $3.99]

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