West Coast Avengers #2

The second issue of West Coast Avengers features the team taking on some gun runners who turn out to be the Sovereign Sons led by Flag-Smasher. Spider-Woman gets a bit of a highlight here as the point woman with the others jumping in as the battle heats up. By putting a cruise ship at risk, our baddie manages to escape (after going toe-to-toe with the team without having to break a sweat). I'd expect to see Flag-Smasher again, although a new antagonist is revealed at the end of the issue.

Afterwards, not only do we get Firestar finally arriving in the West Coast, and overreacting to Ultron, even before she has reason to distrust the robot, but the end of the issue also reveals a different Ultron declaring himself to be the robotic savior of mankind. It looks like we're in store for some Ultron on Ultron violence (which will likely not help selling the good version to his teammates or to to U.S. Government). Oh, and Blue Bolt is still a douche.

[Marvel, $4.99]

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