Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Leo Nardo Stands Alone
Taking place in the same universe as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, the new series starts after the events of the movie and the first few episodes involve the separation of the Turtles who walk into a trap. As you might expect from the title, "Leo Nardo Stands Alone!" focuses on Leonardo (Nicolas Cantu) separated from his brother and hunted by a Mechazoid. Unable to find his brothers, Leo turns to April (Ayo Edebiri) providing the funniest moment of the episode in which Leo describes recent interactions with his brothers to her.
It's a fine first episode packed with both humor and action that teases the reveal of the anti-mutant Bishop (Alanna Ubach) as the one behind the robots. Like Mutant Mayhem it goes a bit too far from the comics for my personal taste, fitting more into the goofier pop-culture cartoon version of the characters. That said, I still had fun as together Leo and April are able to take down the bot leaving the fate of the other Turtles to be revealed over the course of the next several episodes.
- Title: Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Leo Nardo Stands Alone
- wiki: link