Batgirl #3

Against her wishes, Batgirl flees with Shiva from Gotham where every new discovery just adds to her confusion on a train out of town. In her mother's followers she discovers the possibility of Shiva caring for others. Her distrust of her mother returns with the discovery of the League of Assassins, now apparently allies, also onboard the train leading to a reveal of other unexpected riders and more questions for Cassandra Cain.

The tension between Cassandra and Shiva remains central to the issue, and likely will continue throughout the arc. While teasing us with pieces to a mystery that is still taking shape, Batgirl #3 offers some fun action on the train with Cassandra struggling with information overload (but not the League who she wipes the train car with in seconds). Just exactly who are the Unburied to bring Lady Shiva and the daughter of Ra's al Ghul (no, the other one) together against a common enemy?

[DC, $3.99]

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