The Question: All Along the Watchtower #2
Renee Montoya continues her new job as the sheriff of the Watchtower which turns into even more of a hairball on day two. First, someone lets loose one of the deadlier animals from the Watchtower's Menagerie. Second someone appearing to be Batwoman, takes the beast to the Question's quarters to loose it onto one of the Challengers of the Unknown who it almost mauls to death. Oh, and when that fails, the Eradicator shows up with a stolen power ring for a second murder attempt.
Plenty of mystery here as the unseen hand behind the commotion seems to have at least some kind of limited mind-control ability (which would explain Batwoman's odd behavior but not her memory of it), but, other than causing chaos, what exactly are they after? The action from the issue comes from Question staying alive long enough for help to arrive to take down the Eradicator in an issue with several cameos including Tawky Tawny, Nightsade, and the Bulleteer along with the returning Animal Man, Ted Kord, and Jaime Reyes.
[DC, $3.99]
- Title: The Question: All Along the Watchtower #2
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Alex Segura
- Artist: Cian Tormey