The Irrational - Stan by Me
Although it provides almost nothing for the assistants to do, other than to laugh at Owen's (Arash DeMaxi) fandom, I enjoyed the main story of "Stan by Me" featuring Alec (Jesse L. Martin) and Rose (Karen David) working together to solve the murder of a fan one of her former clients, a renown K-pop star (Kirstin Leigh) who becomes the prime suspect. Sadly, I was far less interested in the B-story involving Marisa (Maahra Hill) and her struggle getting along with her new boss at the FBI which, in procedural fashion, fixes itself by the end of the episode and thus turns out to be mostly pointless.
The main storyline, however, does allow for more of Alec and Rose together, and spends some thought on how Rose's job has her work in gray areas that she fears Alec could find objectionable (but thankfully isn't used to drive the pair apart). The episode's experiment, finding the rival of the victim by providing a situation where he would feel compelled to refute bad information about the popstar works quite well as does the various twists and turns before revealing the true motive for murder and reason for the star's less than truthful accounting of what happened that night.
- Title: The Irrational - Stan by Me
- IMDb: link