West Coast Avengers #1

The new volume of West Coast Avengers introduces a team led by Tony Stark (wearing some classic, if underpowered, armor) including War Machine, Spider-Woman, Firestar, and a pair of former villains in the Ultron and the new character Blue Bolt (showcasing the idea for the team to try and reform villains and turn them into heroes using their powers for good). The result of the teams actions in the field, so far, are mixed. And as for Ultron... it seems the redeemed robot has a new hobby not likely to win over new friends.

West Coast Avengers #1 does have its moments including the return of the Silver Centurion armor. The villains aren't great, but with what we're given in the final few pages a confrontation with Ultron is likely to comes sooner then later. The comic also introduces a new home for the Avengers in an old airport which might offer some fun in seeing it grow as the team does as well. We'll have to wait and see, but the odd mix of characters seems to suggest a short run for the title. 

[Marvel, $4.99]

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