Batman: Dark Patterns #1

After three years patrolling the streets, the new twelve-issue maxi series opens with a Batman jaded to the problems of Gotham City he can't solve while continuing his crusade to help where he can. Batman: Dark Patterns #1 brings the latest victim of a serial killer to Batman's attention, killed, like the others, by literally being tortured to death. After running into more trouble that he should looking into the first victim of the killer, the Dark Knight Detective makes a connection between the lawyer and the other victims.

Batman runs into the the self-mutilated killer whose augments protect him from Batman who would need to kill him to stop him. Although, he leaves without exacting more vengeance, the killer escapes to continue his odd quest Batman still doesn't understand. Offering a more modern take on the classic Silver and Bronze Age Batman costume, a little more bloodied to be sure, the look of the comic is interesting while the mystery provides plenty of detective work for Batman as well. I'm still not sure about The Wound Man as Batman calls him, but it's certainly something a bit different while offering something familiar to those of us still yearning to see this version of Batman back in print.

[DC, $4.99]

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