Wizards Beyond Waverly Place - Everything Is Not What It Seems

Serving as a spinoff for Wizards of Waverly Place, the new series catches up with Justin Russo (David Henrie) as an adult living without magic. The premiere, "Everything Is Not What It Seems" introduces Justin's wife (Mimi Gianopulos) and sons (Max Matenko and Alkaio Thiele) who are ignorant of magic. Guest-starring for the premiere, Alex (Selena Gomez) brings a talented but wild wizard named Billie (Janice LeAnn Brown) who needs a new teacher and very quickly exposes Justin's children to magic with a prank that releases a Floogie monster in the family apartment.

The original series followed a pretty simple premise for most of its episodes. One of the children, primarily Alex, would get in trouble with magic and the rest of the episode was an attempt to put things right (which may or may not have gotten the kids' parents involved eventually). Wizards Beyond Waverly Place seems perfectly content to go with that exact same set up and sitcom-level humor. Feeling every bit a Disney Channel show with overacting by both the kids and grownups, the result of the premiere is a bit mixed (and Selena Gomez's presence here unfortunately sees her fall into old sitcom habits rather than elevating the show). 

  • Title: Wizards Beyond Waverly Place - Everything Is Not What It Seems
  • wiki: link
  • Title: Wizards Beyond Waverly Place - Everything Is Not What It Seems
  • wiki: link

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