Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft - Big Lies, Small Secrets

With no leads to follow Charles Devereaux (Richard Armitage), Lara Croft (Hayley Atwell) heads to Paris to investigate what led him to seek out the stones and more information about The Light. Although we get plenty of action in the catacombs beneath the city, made more exciting by hallucinogenic mist being pumped in by The Light, the episode is most notable for the introduction of Lara's estranged childhood friend Camilla Roth (Zoe Boyle). More than just another friend who Lara pulls into danger (seriously, she's an awful, awful friend), unpacking Camilla and Lara's baggage, including the rather awful way Camilla's father pitted them against each other as children, makes for a large part of the episode but ultimately leaves them better than they've been in years.

  • Title: Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft - Big Lies, Small Secrets
  • IMDb: link

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