The return of Freddy Freeman's powers, and a new attitude to go with them, is the focus of SHAZAM! #17. At the Rock of Eternity, Billy and the Captain meet Hephaestus who built the talisman Freddy found there fashioned from an alien and meant as a test to determine the worthiness of a hero and whether or not they can be corrupted by great power. So... what are the chances Freddy is found wanting?

We see glimpses of Freddy fighting the voice in his head which, turning him against Billy and others, along with what Billy learns, may point for a very large fall for Philadelphia's new favorite hero. I'm cusious to see just how far the comic may let Freddy go down the dark path and how far Billy may be pushed to stop him. The comic also gives us Mary and Hoppy (who still has no costume, but does get a cape) stumbling upon some familiar classic Captain Marvel villains such as King Kull and Sabbac and the heroes attempting to help with the city's homeless problem.

[DC, $3.99]

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