Interior Chinatown - Delivery Guy

The second episode of Interior Chinatown begins to explore the rules of the world as we see the limitations put on both Willis Wu (Jimmy O. Yang) and Lana Lee (Chloe Bennet) who seem stuck in small supporting roles to a larger story. While Lana can offer insight and advice to Green (Lisa Gilroy) and Turner (Sullivan Jones), she is stuck firmly in the role of a sidekick. As for Willis, the pair ignore him completely and his access to parts of the city (here the police department) is blocked. However, after spending most of the episode unable to get into the department, Willis uses a stereotypical Asian role to gain entry, opening the door a bit wider to his access in the world.

After the first episode of the series it was a bit unclear how much the mini-series would follow the book in its presentation of the world. The second episode confirms everyone is playing out a Law & Order type procedural with Lana as a supporting role and Willis as a background player who gained slightly more access after becoming a witness and even more after becoming a delivery man. The second episode also makes sure Willis, and to a lesser extent Lana, are aware of the unusual nature of their world and limitations imposed on them to navigate it. By the end of the episode, Willis has discovered the blueprint to expand his role. Now let's see how he uses it.

  • Title: Interior Chinatown - Delivery Guy
  • IMDb: link

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