G.I. JOE #1
The relaunch of a new main G.I. JOE title offers us a team of Duke, Rock 'n Roll, Stalker, Cover Girl, Clutch, and (most surprisingly for those who didn't read the Duke mini-series) the Baroness. The new series continues the story started in the various mini-series introducing key characters to merging G.I. JOE into a shared universe with the Transformers. The first issue introduces the team and points out early on that despite their skills they are far behind the group who has yet to be revealed as Cobra who is already maximizing Engeron to bolster their forces and the unknown threat of transforming robots from another world.
The solid first issue that spends most of its time arranging chess pieces and getting new readers caught up with the status quo of the shared Energon Universe (while finally teasing Transformers, who at some point are going to need to be more largely incorporated into the stories) ends with a fire fight between Cobra and G.I. JOE both after the same technology. The war, it appears, has finally begun.
[Image/Skybound Entertainment, $4.99]
- Title: G.I. JOE #1
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Joshua Williamson
- Artist: Tom Reilly