Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Zatanna: Bring Down the House #4

Zatanna: Bring Down the House #4 offers a calm before the storm. The arrival of John Constantine allows for Zatanna to momentarily leave her current troubles involving the Casters and talking bunnies fighting over her as her ex whisks her away to Paris for a bit of R&R. This pause allows the story, and it's lead character, a bit of room to breathe as well as catch up the reader on just what the hell is going on here and why everyone is after Zatanna.

The other piece the comic offers, by slipping Constantine into both her past a future, is someone who can speak on Zatanna and who she will listen to (despite abandoning her years before... but seeing as he was sent to kill her, exiting stage left probably isn't that big of deal in the grand scheme of things). With a better understanding of who she is and how both her past and present are connected to her father's actions all those years ago, Zatanna prepares to make a stand leading us into the mini-series' final issue.

[DC, $5.99]

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