Tuesday, October 22, 2024

You Shouldn't Have Let Me In

Joining the their friend Rochelle (Isabella Egizi), a social media influencer bride, in Italy, Kelsey (Diana Gardner) and Blake (Nathaniel Ansbach) find themselves drawn into the world of a vampire (Fabián Castro) in whose house the bachelorette weekend is taking place. Drawn to Kelsey because she reminds him of his lost love, Victor (Castro) begins gaslighting the other women and seducing Kelsey while Blake, your typical gay best friend, is recruited by a cute local (Riccardo Angelini) to help stop the vampire.

Tubi Originals are quite a mixed bag, but You Shouldn't Have Let Me In is largely fine with the location (the film was actually shot in Cagliari, Sardegna, Italy) and some of the visuals adding to the feel of the story. Don't get me wrong, it's a throwaway horror flick. But it's a fun throwaway horror flick. The acting, especially among the vampire drones, is hit-and-miss as you might expect from low-budget horror but the filmmaking is more competent than expected.

Its flaws (and it has several including the lack of extras to make the world feel more lived in, using Angelini's character to shoehorn the necessary backstory and plot, and some pretty awful dialogue at times) come off more campy than groanworthy, for the most part, and while it could use a little more titillation to push its themes of vampirism and seduction home, it's pretty much what you would expect from the genre.

Watch the trailer
  • Title: You Shouldn't Have Let Me In
  • IMDb: link

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