Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Wonder Woman #13

After being hijacked for a couple of months to offer Absolute Power tie-in issues, Wonder Woman #13 returns to the Sovereign story and the patriarchal cult which has attempted to best, and break, Diana for the better part of a year. Still narrated by the Sovereign, the issue gives us their murder of Steve Trevor and the fallout that comes after it. Looking to hurt the woman who has bested them at every stage, the killing of Trevor sends the group into full readiness to await her reply... which never comes.

Instead of reprisal, the issue focus on loss and love. We get Bruce and Clark being the ones to confirm her worst fears and Wonder Woman shying away from the world to deal with her grief and not burden it on others (as Donna remarks, is her way). We even get her fighting death by journeying to the River Styx to find Steve Trevor and spend a few more minutes with him. As to what comes next, I'd assume her response to the Sovereign will be one the group is ill-prepared to handle.

[DC, $4.99]

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