Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Scarlett #5

After a cameo by Cobra Commander and  Scarlett, Jinx, and Storm Shadow making it out alive with the Sword of Life, Scarlett #5 gives us our heroine refusing extraction and choosing to stay undercover knowing if she leaves Jinx will be left alone among the Arashikage. And then... it ends? 

I feel like the five-issue series was setting up the start of a larger storyline but apparently it was just helping to lay the foundation for the new volume of G.I. JOE on its way next month. While we do get a mention of Energon (apparently tied to the sword), it doesn't go any further to tie events to the larger universe involving the Transformers. The abrupt end of the story, leaving the sword in the hands of Storm Shadow and trapping both Scarlett and Jinx behind enemy lines feels unfinished as I don't know that this storyline will get the same focus in a larger JOE comic featuring dozens of other characters. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Oh, and still no Snake Eyes

[Skybound Entertainment / Image, $4.99]

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