Monday, October 7, 2024

Knights vs. Samurai #1

The first issue of Knights vs. Samurai introduces us to the "Dragon Butcher" Sir Charles Ward successfully returned home after another quest when he and his men are sent to the Far East to fight a new kind of demon on an island repelling missionaries. The comic is presented entirely from the Westerners point of view ending with their ship (after fighting off a sea monster) making land in Japan and being met by samurai.

I'm guessing the success of Shōgun helped get this comic greenlit. The first issue is mostly setup and I'll be curious to see if it continues from the single perspective we've gotten so far or if it will jump between the knights and the samurai in further issues (although I don't see enough here to get me to stick around long enough to find out). From the nobility we've seen from Charles, I'm also guessing once he recognizes these are men and not demons there will be discussions about what he's actually doing there.

[Image, $2.99]

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