Monday, October 21, 2024

Jenny Sparks #3

While providing a flashback to Jenny Sparks and Superman discussing his role as the most powerful being on the planet shortly after her return from the dead, the majority of Jenny Sparks #3 continues to focus on the Captain Atom issue with the former Leaguer holding hostages and demanding to be recognized as a god. The Justice League has arrived to handle the situation, ignoring Jenny's input in favor a a shock and awe campaign that eventually just leaves us with the same status quo (well, that and Atom's daughter who he barbeques rather than let her talk sense into him - not your best idea Justice League).

Although there isn't much movement in the conflict central to the issue, the discussion (in both the present and flashback) on what makes a hero, and how best to handle situations without easy answers like Captain Atom or terrorism, are standouts here as well as show us how much more interesting the DCU could be with Jenny Sparks, and this version of Captain Atom, in it. 

[DC, $4.99]

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