Doctor Odyssey - Halloween Week

Airing at an appropriate time of year, "Halloween Week" offers a week of Halloween-themed events aboard the latest cruise along with the regular selection of medical cases to be solved. The most memorable moments of the episode come early on with Max (Joshua Jackson) providing real competition to Tristan (Sean Teale) by constantly showing up in the same costume. While the idea Avery (Phillipa Soo) isn't good at Halloween feels like just giving her a themed plot on the show (which isn't really necessary given her big save on the beach), the episode also features several of the guest-stars in a variety of costumes.

As for the cases of the week, we get a pair of women (Laura Harrier and Michelle Núñez) on a beach treasure hunt wondering into caves and one of them getting her arm trapped, a pair of exhausted men who start acting like zombies while struggling to keep up with their wives (Gigi Zumbado and Carmela Zumbado), a patient (Bryan Scamman) dressed as a werewolf who sweats blood, and Tristan himself who unknowingly poisons himself with carbon monoxide in his cabin.

  • Title: Doctor Odyssey - Halloween Week
  • IMDb: link

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