Uncanny X-Men #2
Bouncing around a bit more than is probably necessary, Uncanny X-Men #2 offers the core characters of this title reacting quite poorly to the mutants who responded to the call for help they left. We get the obligatory fight between Rogue, Gambit, and Wolverine versus Calico, Ember, Jitter, Ransom, and Deathdream before calmer heads eventually prevail with Rogue stating the obvious about who she and her friends are and will forever be.
Also in this issue we get flashbacks to Charles Xavier meeting a young woman named Sarah in college, which are interesting in and of themselves but don't really offer the payoff you expect, and checking back in with Doctor Corina Ellis and her work to reform mutants into manageable assets, which also doesn't add much to what was already established in issue #1. The tail end of this issue suggests, without confirming, how the two subplots might fit together, but without Charles alive in this timeline any connection is really moot anyway.
[Marvel, $4.99]
- Title: Uncanny X-Men #2
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Gail Simone
- Artist: David Marquez