Terminator Zero - Model 104
"Model 104" offers a brutal culling of the police station by our Terminator who wipes out a bunch of cops too stupid to live in a sequence which is obviously a callback to the first Terminator film. The sequence is also notable for Misaki (Sumalee Montano) stepping up to provide some cover for the boys' escape and getting her arm (her robotic arm) torn off in the process revealing that the Lee's housekeeper isn't human (which comes to a surprise to everyone, even Misaki).
The episode also includes the police capturing Eiko (Sonoya Mizuno), likely putting Reika (Gideon Adlon) in danger, and, as Skynet begins its attacks across the world (something which you might expect should get more than 20 seconds of screentime), Malcolm Lee (André Holland) launches his own AI in hopes it may choose to save humanity. Apparently, the end of the world has begun. What happens next?
- Title: Terminator Zero - Model 104
- IMDb: link