Star Wars #50

This volume of Star Wars comes to a close not with the adventure relating to saving Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt (which was teased at the end of Star Wars #49) but instead a story told by master to apprentice. Framed during Luke Skywalker's teaching of Ben Solo, the Jedi Master (potentially already aware of the darkness within him) tells him a story of the Rebellion coming across a weapon prior to the events of Return of the Jedi which could have killed the Emperor (and also anyone connected to him over the course of time).

The magic box capable of assassination across space isn't exactly the most visually interesting of weapons, but the story does have some intriguing aspects with Luke's multiple visits to the the Living Sea on Gazian getting played by a deceased Sith, as well as trips to Naboo and the frozen world of Niraya where the box and the method to use it are found. The message of the story, and issue, is simple enough, even it apparently was lost on Luke's apprentice.

[Marvel, $7.99]

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