Jenny Sparks #2
The second issue of Jenny Sparks plays out mostly like the first. We get Jenny Sparks yanking the chain of another a core Justice Leaguer about the situation with Captain Atom, this time Superman, and then we get the Spirit of the 20th Century's second go-round with the crazed super-hero with a god complex. It goes pretty much the same as the first (but still provides plenty of fun for the reader).
Substituting the short intros of those Captain Atom would take hostage, which looks increasingly like filler at this point as there's no follow-up to that here, Jenny Sparks #2 offers a look back to 2001 and the rebirth (so to speak) of our chain-smoking heroine following 9/11. Although the comic doesn't touch the hows or whys of her return we do now have a date of the when (and the revelation that Jenny was none to happy at being forced back into the world). As for the current situation with Atom, Jenny's so far 0/2 so I'll be curious to see what attempt she goes with next.
[DC, $4.99]
- Title: Jenny Sparks #1
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Tom King
- Artist: Jeff Spokes