G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #310

A middle issue in the ongoing Battle of Springfield arc, G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #310 is most notable for Cobra Commander's plan working and the tied turning against the mutant Cobra army. However, seeing an opportunity to settle old grudges, Cobra Commander sends his stand-in after Baroness and Zartan (both of whom are more or less fighting on his side with the Joes to rebel the invaders). Shooting Baroness doesn't fracture the alliance of the Joes and the Dreadnoks but may have repercussions as soon as next issue where both Zartan and Destro are concerned.

The other item of note in the issue is the clone found on Cobra Island is another Serpentor which the Joes plan to have Dr. Mindbinder use to create someone to take down Serpentor Khan. The craziness of the plan is only slightly less believable than the metal coffin housing the clone floating after their raft is sunk providing a flotation device to safety.

[Image, $3.99]

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