Chasm: Curse of Kaine #1

The only thing I've ever wanted out of Ben Reilly is for him to be the Scarlet Spider. I don't have much in the way of interest of him being Spider-Man or being a Spidey villain (which sadly are the only two options that Marvel seems interested in). Currently calling himself Chasm, Reilly is back in villain mode calling himself Chasm with his crazy girlfriend Hallow's Eve robbing New York tourists for fun. He's also had his past wiped from his mind, unaware of who he used to be or what he could become.

The comic mainly keeps with Chasm and Hallow's Eve only getting to Kaine near the end where the current Scarlet Spider is hunting for his clone brother in the sewers (likely unaware of Chasm's amnesia). This, of course will lead to a confrontation between the pair which may or may not help jog Reilly's memory (leaving me still hopeful at some point we get him back in the hoodie).

[Marvel, $4.99]

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