The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries #8

Mystery, Inc. help Batman on an odd case where it appears a giant has stolen oversized objects from the museum's new exhibit, although the evidence left behind is inconclusive. The issue also introduces Fred's hero trap creator Eivol Ekdal who designed several of the artifacts in the museum. In a typical Scooby twist, but without the last-minute unmasking, it turns out Ekdal is actually behind the the fake giant and tricks our heroes, trapping inside a giant pinball machine while he and his henchmen attempt to make off with the wealth of riches he has hidden in one his creations.

Although I think the art of the issue suits the gang more than Batman, I do like the return to the more classic style of the Caped Crusader after a couple of issues featuring the Batman: The Animated Series look. Eventually our heroes escape and recover the money the trap maker made selling his creations to criminals which he hid away before being sent to prison.

[DC, $2.99]

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