Terminator Zero - Model 101
Despite showrunner Mattson Tomlin's assurance that the new Netflix anime set within the Terminator universe treats all the films as canon (a troubling proposition in its own right as the films don't really fit together), the opening episode of Terminator Zero feels distinctly separate and different from what has come before. Jumping between 1997 and a cliched workaholic father's science experiments and 2022 where the machines are hunting down the last of humanity, the most the show feels like the original Terminator is in a brave young woman (Toa Yukinari) running from, fighting, and escaping a Terminator after her. Although it appears both she and a Terminator will join the 1997 time fairly soon, in the opening episode it's definitely the weaker of the two stories.
- Title: Terminator Zero - Model 101
- IMDb: link