Star Wars #49

After being lured in to a trap by Ellian Zahra who still harbors a personal grudge against Princess Leia Organa, by using the Rebel squad made up of Alderaan survivors as bait, Leia and Luke (once brought back onboard from an escape pod) will need to fight against the vengeful Zahra seeing her last opportunity for vengeance and redemption slipping through her fingers.

While I haven't been following this story, Star Wars #49 works well enough for someone picking up the issue curious as to where the title is headed going into its 50th issue (which apparently will be Tatooine and the rescue of Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt). There's an awkward few panels where the Rebels let Zahra escape and then being forced to kill her that doesn't really work, but the issue does see Luke in full control of his powers, kicking ass, breaking back onboard from space, and beating back her mercenaries and pirates with ease buying time for the Rebels to arrive.

[Marvel, $4.99]

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