Nightwing #117
Nightwing #117 ends Dick Grayson's sabbatical in Nanda Parbat training with Deadman. Sadly, in what feels like a missed opportunity, we only get a handful of panels of Batman standing in for Nightwing (along with a joke about how he "quipped twice" to keep the cover). In the mountains, Dick uncovers a truth that the recent tragedy brought to the surface (along with being poisoned and the stress of being framed for murder) allowing him to take the leap (literally) and the journey back to Bludhaven.
Despite the lack of Bruce as Nightwing, Nightwing #117 another solid issue with some great individual panels both in the mountains and in Nightwing's return to the city and bursting back into action hunting down Tony Zucco and setting the stage for the arc's final issue and his inevitable confrontation with Heartless. As to how long it may take to clear Dick Grayson's name, that's still a bit unclear.
[DC, $4.99]
- Title: Nightwing #117
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Tom Taylor
- Artist: Bruno Redondo