Gotham City Sirens #1
Gotham City Sirens #1 is a confusing way to kick off an issue. More than once I went back to the cover to make sure I was actually reading the first issue of a new comic as we seem thrown haphazardly into a series of events writer Leah Williams assumes we'll understand. We get the hunting of White Rabbit (but not Jaina Hudson who Catwoman catches up to later) by a group of rodeo enthusiasts. Why any of this is happening, why Catwoman went looking for her, or how any of this fits into other events of the issues is (like everything else) clear as mud.
In what may or may not be connected, Harley encounters other would-be cowboys (who turn out to be robot avatars) hunting robot bison for reasons beyond understanding. There's also an energy drink that is driving people mad which also somehow ties into a video game controlled by Punchline? Surely this all somehow fits together but I won't be sticking around to find out how.
[DC, $3.99]
- Title: Gotham City Sirens #1
- Comic Vine: link
- Writer: Leah Williams
- Artist: Matteo Lolli