G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #309

The battle for Springfield begins as the mutated solders from Cobra Island are dropped in the Midwest to fight the forces of Cobra Commander who are honored and inspired by their leader armoring up and taking the field of battle with them (but not really, of course, as our cowardly Commander instead has sent a proxy in his place). The mutants are having a rougher go at it than expected suggesting Serpentor Khan may soon join them.

G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #309 is heavy on action also giving us the ninja squad and the Dreadnoks hitting town as well and joining the battle. In the midst of the chaos and carnage, Dawn is given her own mini-arc when confronted by a police officer trapped in the war zone, a police officer responsible for the death of her parents. Despite Storm Shadow's warnings, Dawn returns to the scene with her intentions yet to be revealed.

[Image, $3.99]

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