Darth Maul: Black, White & Red #4

After a successful assassination, Darth Maul is sent by his master to the Sith Temple on Ah Re Won in the Outer Rim where his attempts at mediating (as ordered by Darth Sidious) are interrupted by the unruly mayor of the town and loud and obnoxious tourists hunting creatures near the ruins of the temple who the Sith kills and leaves for the Karafankata only to have others come in search of them. Sigh, sometimes all you want is a little quiet.

Hardly a meditation retreat, still Darth Maul does finally manage to find his peace (after murdering everyone else). The final issue of the four-issue mini-series isn't the best of the run, in fact I'd rate it as the weakest, but it works well enough to wrap up the series. I still prefer the shorter anthology format of the various black and white series offering multiple stories in each issue rather than full-length stories (this could easily have been condensed), but there's still fun to be had.

[Marvel, $5.99]

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