Friday, July 26, 2024

Nightwing #116

Nightwing #116 quickly skips over the part of this story was most concerned with. We get Dick Grayson's recovery and the equivalent of a montage to get him out of the country and on his quest to the Himalayas. While his friends are ready to stick up for him an even allow their secret identities to be exposed to save his own, Dick is more concerned with recovering what he's lost as Nightwing than clearing his name (at least for now) which plays out similarly to the  Bruce's focus in Batman: Bruce Wayne - Murderer?

The comic also sets up to more pieces of the story explaining what Dick is after, or more importantly who, in the Himalayas tying it into an interaction from his childhood. And with Grayson gone Heartless has doubled-down claiming his name leaving a vacuum in Bludhaven which another hero is about to fill offering something similar to other Batman stories as well, but in reverse, with Bruce Wayne donning a new costume.

[DC, $4.99] 

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