Abominable and the Invisible City - Tales from the Fox's Tails
When people across the city report their prize possessions being stolen by a creature they can only hazily remember, Yi (Chloe Bennet), Jin (Tenzing Norgay Trainor), and Peng (Ethan Loh) go in search of the Nine-Tailed Fox who has a hypnotizing effect to distract and trick its victims and steal items they believe they need. After stealing an important textbook from Jin, and injuring Everest, the fox distracts Yi forcing Peng to go to Burnish (Alan Cumming) for help.
The lesson of the episode involves understanding what makes you happy may not be tied to material possessions (those which the fox steals), although in Yi's case the violin she was unwilling to part with is indeed a crucial piece of her happiness and role in the world (helping her break the fox's spell when others weren't able to). Jin, on the other hand, discovers true happiness in helping Everest with his sprained ankle while discovering that his mother's dream of him becoming a doctor may not be what he wants out of life.
- Title: Abominable and the Invisible City - Tales from the Fox's Tails
- IMDb: link