NCIS: Hawai'i - Into Thin Air
In a storyline that pretty heavily suggest there will be a major twist, a Marine's wife (Nikiva Dionne) is kidnapped and held for a ransom that can't possibly be paid (except for that $3 million in illegal money he and his best friend helped smuggle from Iraq). The plot attempts to first point to the husband (Brandon Fobbs) as the perpetrator, but there's really nothing to back that up given his genuine concern for his missing wife. The death of his compatriot and the missing money only makes things more murky for the investigation until Carla (Seana Kofoed) finds some sloppy evidence that points to an obvious suspect no one has been looking at.
The master plan of kidnapping yourself, faking your murder, and stealing your husband's ill-gotten fortune is more than a little convoluted (which in part admittedly allows for the natural confusion for the team to work through). Surely there were far, far easier methods for out "victim" to get her hands on the money and disappear without going to such steps NCIS would get involved and refuse to let the matter rest.
In other notes, Lucy's (Yasmine Al-Bustami) continued unexplained absence feels odd, and we do get more of Hanna (LL Cool J) and his super-secret task force when he reaches out to Ernie (Jason Antoon) for help in breaking into an encrypted computer. There's some fine scenes between the pair, such as Ernie admitting how he has been fucking with his coworkers, but the subplot is mainly used to set up next week's episode which will finally shed some light on the NCIS: Elite team whose actions have been compromised by the targets they have been hunting.
- Title: NCIS: Hawai'i - Into Thin Air
- wiki: link