3 Body Problem - The Stars Our Destination

"The Stars Our Destination" is primarily a transitionary episode featuring the characters dealing with the fallout of the aliens' eye in the sky message. For most of the characters that means getting drunk and ignoring the situation. In Will's (Alex Sharp) case that means struggling with a romantic gesture. Challenged by Wade (Liam Cunningham), Jin (Jess Hong) comes up with a complicated plan which will largely take over the series in the remaining episodes, but if she has any hope of making her plan work, she'll need Auggie (Eiza González). 

While its necessary to see the effect of the aliens on Earth, and our main characters, it's hard not to see this one as a bit of filler (albeit one that does lay the groundwork for what's to come). Auggie's use in the series continues to be problematic. The reluctant genius is more plot device that character, stepping in as a deux machina when needed to introduce (the countdown) or solve (the nanofibers and the sail) a problem before returning to the sidelines again and again. In the one other thread of note, Ye Wenjie (Rosalind Chao) is released from custody and sets out on her final journey.

  • Title: 3 Body Problem - The Stars Our Destination
  • IMDb: link

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