Will Trent - It's the Work I Signed Up For

Spinning out of events from the season premiere, and touching on storylines began last season, both Will (Ramón Rodríguez) and Faith (Iantha Richardson) visit the prison to find the shot-caller responsible for the bombing that took the life of Cricket (Susan Kelechi Watson). The investigation is stymied by the corruption within the prison and a prison break attempt which fails, but still leaves our detectives without answers. This leads to multiple father/son scenes between Will and James Ulster (Greg Germann) including the serial killer taking enough to "save" Will (but really just help out his own position within the prison hierarchy).

The episode includes not one but two separate B-stories. Ormewood (Jake McLaughlin) attempts to mend fences with his wife (Sara Antonio) and son. Elsewhere, Amanda (Sonja Sohn) helps Angie (Erika Christensen) whose sponsee has gotten himself in trouble. The latter is the more successful of the two, putting two characters together who only ever really interacted previously on events about Will and it also leads to a surprise guest appearance of a character (Chapel Oaks) struggling with the actions Angie helped cover-up last season. Although I don't have much interest in 's marriage troubles at this stage, Angie's storyline offers wrinkles that will be interesting to see play out and creating complications which may eventually garner Will's attention.

  • Title: Will Trent - It's the Work I Signed Up For
  • IMDb: link

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