The Irrational - Reciprocity

The Irrational closes out its first season solving the murder of Jace (Brian King) and the true (and more than slightly convoluted) motivations behind the 20 year-old bombing and bringing Senator Sanford (James Tupper) to justice. In what appears to be the continuing small shakeup to the status quo, The Irrational doubles down on its connection to the FBI with Kylie (Travina Springer) taking a federal job and Phoebe (Molly Kunz) exits stage left for new position with less health risks. The awkwardly tacked-on epilogue also suggests Rose (Karen David) will be returning for at least part of next season.

Much of the episode focuses on unwrapping the various layers of the conspiracy and Marisa (Maahra Hill) dealing with the grief of Jace's death and the shock of one of the people revealed to be responsible. This should, in theory, wrap up the bombing storyline freeing the show up for a more episodic season (likely with the FBI in the forefront rather than getting phased out, unfortunately), although the kidnapping of Rose could prove to be more than just a cliffhanger and provide another season-long mystery to solve (which the show doesn't need). The show certainly needed to weed a few superfluous characters, but Phoebe wouldn't have been my first choice. Maybe she'll end up returning, or a new character will attempt to fill that spot, but as it stands the show appears be leaning towards relying more on the FBI which hasn't, up until now, been the recipe for the show's best success.

  • Title: The Irrational - Reciprocity
  • IMDb: link

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