Resident Alien - The Complete First Season
The First Season of Resident Alien introduces us to Alan Tudyk, who also narrates every episode, playing a stranded alien who has taken the identity of Dr. Harry Vanderspeigle living isolated outside the small town of Patience, Colorado. After being dragged in to town to help solve the death of the town's doctor (Jan Bos), and later become roped in to taking his place by Mayor Ben Hawthorne (Levi Fiehler), Harry's time is spent awkwardly attempting to fit in while also frantically searching for both a device from his spaceship (lost in the crash) and the body of the real Harry before any humans stumble upon either of them.
Despite his disdain for humanity, and how it relates directly to the mission he was sent to Earth to perform, Harry will become obsessed with certain aspects (such as pizza and Law & Order), begin a friendship with Asta Twelvetrees (Sara Tomko), and become frenemies with a pair of children, one of whom can see through Harry's disguise.
The show makes great use of Tudyk's physical comedy and awkwardness with nearly every episode delivering one cutting remark from Harry about one of the other characters or humanity in general. The design of Harry's alien appearance is also quite impressive. The show has an extended core cast, some of whom interact more with others. When not part of the storyline, many of these characters are given B-stories to keep them busy (and introduce ideas which might not be followed up until the next season). Some of these work better than others.
Highlights of the season include Harry's various failed attempts to kill Max (Judah Prehn), D'Arcy (Alice Wetterlund) saving Harry and Asta after all three become trapped in a crevasse of the glacier, Harry using a baby's foreskin to help save his secret, Harry dealing with the sudden appearance of the real Harry's wife (Elvy), and the range of emotions Harry goes through at the end of the season when deciding whether or not to complete his mission and destroy all human life on Earth.
- Title: Resident Alien - Season One
- wiki: link