Resident Alien - Lone Wolf

Building on storylines begun last season, Harry (Alan Tudyk) has gone to work for General McCallister (Linda Hamilton) while also continuing his work as town doctor in Patience. Just how Harry actually balances both is a bit unclear. Although his struggles to work as a member of McCallister's team is certainly documented, making that work with Harry's life back in Patience without feeling like filler is going to take a little work. When Joseph (Enver Gjokaj) shows up in town as the new deputy looking for answers as to why Harry didn't leave the Earth and showing some interest in Asta (Sara Tomko), Harry decides to try and spy on Asta and Joseph's date rather than reveal the truth.

"Lone Wolf" is a solid premiere, but with only 8 episodes for the entire season events feel like they should be progressing a bit faster. Elsewhere around town, Sahar (Gracelyn Awad Rinke) is back to jump to all the wrong conclusions about Harry, which has become her primary role on the show, and also let Max (Judah Prehn) know she'll be leaving town soon (providing a bit of a shakeup to the stale routine the two characters fell into last season). We get more of Ben (Levi Fiehler) and Kate (Meredith Garretson) being taken by the Greys, although still no clue as to what they are ultimately after (other than a fun night of anal probing). Not much is made of D’Arcy (Alice Wetterlund) now knowing Harry's secret other than the ability to knowingly shame him when called upon.

  • Title: Resident Alien - Lone Wolf
  • IMDb: link

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