Reacher - Burial

As you might expect with at title like "Burial," the fifth episode of Reacher's Second Season gives us the reunited 110th Special Investigators Unit attending Franz's (Luke Bilyk) funeral which turns into a shoot-out. A few more pieces of the puzzles fall into place as well. In Denver, Neagley (Maria Sten) and Dixon (Serinda Swann) go to the New Age plant in search of the weapons they know their friend's killer is after. Only to discover the tech has already left, at witness all 650 missiles aboard the track being hijacked.

Although Reacher (Alan Ritchson) and O'Donnell (Shaun Sipos) don't get much helpful information from Homeland Security,  for information that turns out isn't very helpful, Reacher does find an unexpected ally in a congressman who overs to cover Reacher's ass if he can find those missiles. From Detective Russo (Domenick Lombardozzi), Reacher also learns the corruption at New Age goes deep with much of their security force consisting of former cops who left the job under dubious circumstances.

"Burial" isn't a bad episode, but it does feel a slight step back for the purpose of filling in gaps in the story and laying the groundwork for the final three episodes of the season. Despite the innuendo and circumstantial evidence, the season has had trouble selling Swan as a traitor (especially given Reacher's steadfast belief in his innocence) and even the trap the team is led into at the end of the episode is pretty inconclusive.

  • Title: Reacher - Burial
  • IMDb: link

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