G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #301
After concluding the long-running comic series that ran over 40 years across different publishers, Larry Hama returns to G.I. JOE to continue his story in G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #301 at yet another publisher in Image Comics. Following a couple of pages summarizing our heroes and villains for new readers, the story picks up after the events of G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #300 wit the JOEs escaping from Cobra Island before being caught in the blast of Dr. Mindbinder's bioweapon activated by the new Serpentor.
While the tale felt wrapped up, there were plenty of loose ends left dangling and Larry Hama gets a change to continue expanding this world. Our heroes make it out, although not without casualties and loosing Cobra Commander who manages to make his escape. The larger question is what becomes of the mutated core characters of Cobra at ground zero in the explosion of the Mutant Virus Bomb? At how do events play into the long teased plans of Revanche?
[Image, $3.99]
- Title: G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #301
- wiki: link
- Writer: Larry Hama
- Artist: Chris Mooneyham