Endless Summer - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Saturday Morning Adventures
One of four one-shots spilling out of IDW's Saturday Morning Adventures line, Endless Summer - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Saturday Morning Adventures offers a one-shot story of the four turtles looking for a little respite at local theme park where their appearance isn't likely to cause problems given the number of visitors in costumes (although most are cowboys and not, you know, mutant turtles also wearing cowboy outfits). Sadly, their time off is interrupted by discovering Krang and Traag's secret base in the theme park.
There's plenty of brotherly fun for Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo (whose spirit his brothers are attempting to lighten with the trip to the them park) along with action as the Turtles work together to stop Krang's portal from bringing in an army from Dimension X. It's a fun all-age adventure which should appeal to fans of the original cartoon.
[IDW, $4.99]
- Title: Endless Summer - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Saturday Morning Adventures (One-shot)
- wiki: link
- Writer: Dave Baker
- Artist: Tango